Switch on
We all have those moments, or even days, when we just can’t seem to shake that dusty, vast feeling in our heads. Our lives are busy with endless tasks, as mundane as dishes, picking up kids or the never-ending washing pile, but somewhere in the mix we need to switch on and find our spark, crack on. We need to find our energy, our personality, our footprint in this life.
It’s this switching on that we need to focus on more, as this little switch is what changes our perceptions of our day, our lives. If we stay in the darkness, the task vastness, we loose that energy that makes us whole, that makes us us. It’s all too easy to get caught up in this space, as it’s the monotonous routine where we simply move like a robot without really remembering what we were even doing. Each day then rolls into another week, and another year has gone by, yet we don’t really know what we’ve achieved.
Listen, I’m not faulting the mundane, this is a necessity of life, without knowing what the mundane is we wouldn’t appreciate the exciting, the quiet, the journey of the unexpected. We need to recognise it so we know when to flick that switch and dial into you a little more, so we don’t get stuck in the humdrum of everyday. It’s making the time and showing up, but just for yourself.
Some say meditation, some say go for a run, there is no right or wrong, as long as you set aside some time for you, you choose a mechanism that works to your flow. I love to go for a walk (sometimes run, mostly walking though) and listen to some music. I love to find treasures, picking up feathers and rocks. I love to do this with my kids too, but you really need to be alone with your thoughts to get some clarity or focus. What we want to achieve in life is born through our thoughts, feelings and experiences, it all stems from you. If we don’t carve out the time to allow ourselves to think and just be, we can become muddled and blended too much with others and our responsibilities to them. A watered down concoction of aims and no hard hitting focus.
You are the maker of your own destiny, I implore you to go deeper, find time and explore life, enjoy the little things and most importantly switch on you!
Jade x
Need a hand switching off the noise, here’s a little checklist to help take your mind on a wander.
P.S. >> Maybe don’t keep any creepy crawlys, they’re probably really happy where they are ;)